Well it looks like I'll be moving on the 10th July, something which I wasn't expecting to come so soon if I'm completely honest but as the saying goes 'the show must go on'.
Unfortunately I will not be modelling after the 10th until about the end of July due to this move, something I don't want to do but I have to. I'll be back before you know it.
Well only a little blog today as I have swollen glands :( Poor me!

I often wonder why people like to be so judgemental. Since starting modelling, I have found that so many people are too bitchy.
Once you get to know me you'll realise that I like to stay in my little bubble and keep myself to myself, it just saves the drama, this is what I have learnt over the years. I mean don't get me wrong, I go out lol I socialise but I just don't like people to bring irrelevant drama to my door.
Anyway what Im trying to say is, that I'm really determined to make a go of it this year, Im not going to let anyone get me down and I'm going to really persue with the modelling as I really love it, and it gives me back the confidence that all those haters out there stole from me in the past. If you don't like or pretend to like me please don't waste my time by being here...

    Carmelle Model

    I'm just an ordinary 22 year old girl who has a passion for modelling and won't let anyone get me down :)


    June 2012

